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· One min read

Have you ever wondered if your validator's performance was as good as you expected?
How does it compare with other validators?
What if you could compare it to another validator based on real epoch data?

What if ?

How much would you have received if you had delegated to X instead of Y for this epoch?

Stop tormenting yourself! Now you can compare your validator's performance with mine (or any other validator)!!

I've made this tool available to you.

Mina Payout Simulator

Enter your key, click on compare, and you're good to go!

Find the tool here:


This tool is provided as is. This is an early version that may have some bugs or inconsistencies. I have tested it though, and the results look reliable to me.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, problems, or comments.

Support me by delegating to my Block Producer !

My Validator Address
Naamah BP

· One min read

The Jonathan's Mina Pool Payout Script has been updated.
All BP should update to the new v1.7.0 payout script.

This version fixes a discrepancy in the way Foundation and o1Labs delegation payouts are computed compared to the old script.

It adds a new environment variable PAYOUT_CALCULATOR to drive the behavior of the transaction fees share.

Valid calculators include for the post-fork rewards :

  • postSuperChargeShareFees : Share the fees between all delegates including foundation, investors and o1labs
  • postSuperChargeKeepFees : Validator keeps all the fees
  • postSuperChargeCommonShareFees : Share the fees between delegates excluding foundation, investors and o1labs (this was the old behaviour and the default one)

Update your script here :

· One min read

The payout calculator has been updated and delivers consistant results again for the new chain (forked from the old one) :

You'll find also additional realtime information on my Block Producer here :


The payout calculator may not output the exact same results as the payout script.
Rules for computing payout have changed (no more supercharged, no more burn, ..) and thus some discrepancies may occur between my computations and those from the payout script.
Again, mine are provided for information only. Only reference are the results of the payout script.

· 4 min read

On June, 4th the mina Blockchain has undergone its biggest upgrade ao far.
This impacted the payout timeline for several reasons.
The first one is that we were asked by the Mina foundation to delay the payouts for epoch 78 until the Hardfork happened.

Epoch 78 ended around 4AM on June, 4th a few hours before the upgrade process begun.
Right after the Epoch 78 ended, the epoch 79 started on the old chain.
This epoch 79 lasted only a few slots/blocks until we reached the transaction stop slot at June 4th, 9AM UTC that started the upgrade process.

We are now on the new chain.
This new chain started again from Epoch 0 !! This is a bit like a reborn of the Mina Blockchain !!

Time for everyone to ugrade and ensure everything is ok was the main reason to delay the payouts.
I was also asked personnaly by the Mina Foundation to delay my payouts a bit in order to perform some validation tests.

At this time (June 07th), I am still waiting the Go from the mina fundation to trigger my payouts for both epoch 78 and 79.
Once I get the go, I will immediately trigger the payout for both epochs.

In conclusion, no need to worry about the payouts !! They are coming !!

In order for you to know what you can expect for these two epochs, you'll find the details of the due payouts below for each 78, 79 epoch.





Since the Hard Fork, the Payout page on the website is broken. I'll do my best to restore it as fast as possible

· 3 min read

On June, 4th the mina Blockchain will undergo its biggest upgrade ao far.

This update will bring the ZK programmability layer to the blockchain and ending the supercharged rewards.

In the same time several potential impacts should be expected.

D-Day Timeline

The progress of the upgrade and the timeline are documented here:

and here

The Block producer timeline

Every block producer will have to update their nodes in order to ensure the resume of the upgraded Blockchain.

Here is a simplified overview of the tasks that every block producer will have to achieve on June, 4th.

Before June, 4th

The only action required by block producer is to update their nodes to version 2.0.0. (All my nodes are upgraded already obviously !)

On June, 4th

  • STEP 1

No specific action is required until the stop network slot is reached (14:00 UTC). At least one node must still be active and connected to the network until the stop slot is reached (ideally, all nodes of an operator can remain online). The calculation of uptime will be taken into account until the stop slot is reached (14:00 UTC).

  • STEP 2

Until the upgrade package is released (20:00 UTC): No action required.

  • STEP 3

Once the upgrade package is available: All operators update and restart their nodes (20:00 UTC - 00:00 UTC). Uptime calculation will resume at 00:01 UTC with a tolerance until 01:01 UTC.


During this period, no block will be produced.

  • STEP 4

From 00:00 UTC, the blockchain will restart on Berkeley fully operational: block production, snarks production, uptime, ...

What's next ?

After the Hard Fork (if all goes well):

  • The end of supercharged blocks will result in a decrease in profitability but will also level the playing field for all serious validators. It will also reduce the number of new tokens created, which will limit the inflationary nature of the token (and that's a good thing).

  • As a delegator, it will be important to ensure that your validator is up-to-date with their nodes from now on (version 2.0.0) until the update is triggered and their validation nodes are updated, otherwise, they will operate a zombie chain that will no longer produce valid rewards (for you). I encourage everyone to contact their validator to ensure they are up-to-date and that everything is in order for the update on 06/04.

Finally, there will certainly be impacts on tools, explorers, and websites concerning Mina. Some blockchain explorers may experience disruptions or become non-functional or display inconsistent information. Other services will be completely stopped (e.g., Mina Explorer's GraphQL APIs), which may also cause interruptions to some services that use them (my site, for example, uses the Mina Explorer GraphQL API, which I will have to replace eventually to display produced blocks, delegations, and payouts).

In summary, be patient, do not hesitate to contact your validator if you have any questions or problems, and do not panic if the rewards for the epoch post-hard fork take a little time to arrive 😉

This update is going to be epic. It is important to realize the amount of work and investment that goes into not only updating but also synchronizing all the actors, which are ultimately the key to the success of updating a fully decentralized application.

· One min read

Epoch 78 payouts may be a little late this Time.

As you surely know already, the Mina Hard-Fork (dedicated blog post to come) will occur on June, 4th in only 4 days !!

Epoch 78 ends the same day (around 3AM) few hours before the network stops for 15 hours (starting at 9AM until 12AM on June, 5th).

For this reason, payouts may be a little bit delayed this epoch.

Until now 7 blocks have been won (on 11 assigned block production slots). That's better than last epoch 😉

As a reminder, you can find all payouts in realtime on this page :

· One min read

Epoch 75 payouts have been sent on April, 21th. Only 5 slots were assigned this epoch but hopefully all of the 5 blocks have been successfully included into the canonical chain.

As a reminder, you can find all payouts in realtime on this page :