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19 posts tagged with "mina"

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· 2 min read

Hello There !
Epoch 7 recently ended.

This was a "bad" epoch unfortunately.

Only 2 production slots were assigned at the VRF lottery and on these 2 production slots only the first block was included into the canonical chain.
This means only 1 block was produced this epoch resulting in much lower-than-expected rewards, with an APY of just 1.74%.

Overall, my BP performance is still strong, with an average APY of 10.62%. We can expect a better outcome in Epoch 8, as 7 slots have been assigned for this epoch.
While it's not the highest number of slots ever assigned to my BP, it's much better than the previous one.

Below is the evolution of my BP performance since the start of the hard fork (you can display and compare it with other BPs using my validator comparison tool as always :

Naamah APY


On October 21-23, Minacon will take place in Istanbul.
It will be a great opportunity to bring together amazing people who are deeply involved in the Mina community, to meet, share, exchange ideas, and gather Mina developers under one roof in order to

🤝 Foster ecosystem collaborations
💥 Address blockers and outstanding questions
🌀 Develop understanding to support ecosystem growth

Minacon is an unconference — where participants choose the topics. It focuses on the best part of traditional conferences: the hallway conversations.

It will bring together bright minds, with laptops open, taking practical steps toward each other's near-term goals.

Many incredible people will attend Minacon, and I’m proud to be one of them.

Here is a list of some of the amazing attendees:

Minacon Attendees


Don't hesitate to submit your questions. I’ll be your spokesperson, my fellow delegators. Feel free to contact me if you'd like me to represent your voice at Minacon.

More information here :

Support me by delegating to my Block Producer !

My Validator Address
Naamah BP

· One min read

Epoch 3 payouts have been sent

4 blocks have been produced this epoch on 6 slots assigned.
It's less than the previous epochs, but that's the nature of probabilistic distribution! However, on average, my validator remains very performant.

Use my payout simulator to compare against other validators !

Put your public address in the dedicated fields and compare with top validators found on minascan :

See by yourself

Click on the links below to compare to Mina top block producers

Support me by delegating to my Block Producer !

My Validator Address
Naamah BP

· 2 min read

Epoch 2 payouts have been sent

12 blocks have been produced this epoch.


All assigned slots for epoch 2 lead to a cannonical Block !!
While this is mainly luck, it puts my validator once again on top of block producers performance this epoch with a 25% APY return rate !!

If you don't believe me use my BP performance tool to compare with other validators !

Put your public address in the dedicated fields and compare with top validators found on minascan :


If this key delegating to me had delegated to Auro Wallet instead, its return would have been 12 minas instead of 32 minas while delegating to me !!

Payout comparison

Auro Wallet mean APY is 9.4% compared to 19.8% for my own validator !!

Payout APY

See by yourself

Click on the links below to compare to Mina top block producers

Support me by delegating to my Block Producer !

My Validator Address
Naamah BP

· One min read

Today, I received a special package from Mina team 😊

Mina's Gift package

This box was sent to all the community members who helped on the mina berkeley transition.

And what we had in the box :

Package Content

Thanks to the Mina team and all the awesome Mina community !! 🎉

Naamah's payout simulator tool updated

This week, I also updated my Mina Payout Simulator tool. Added Block Producer APY comparison.

Payout Simulator APY

See by yourself :

Support me by delegating to my Block Producer !

My Validator Address
Naamah BP

· One min read

Epoch 1 payouts have been sent

8 blocks have been produced this epoch.


All assigned slots for epoch 1 lead to a cannonical Block !!
While this is mainly luck, it puts my validator once again on top of block producers performance this epoch !

If you don't believe me use my BP performance tool to compare with other validators !

Put your public address in the dedicated fields and compare with top validators found on minascan :

See by yourself

Click on the links below to compare to Mina top block producers

Support me by delegating to my Block Producer !

My Validator Address
Naamah BP

· One min read

Have you ever wondered if your validator's performance was as good as you expected?
How does it compare with other validators?
What if you could compare it to another validator based on real epoch data?

What if ?

How much would you have received if you had delegated to X instead of Y for this epoch?

Stop tormenting yourself! Now you can compare your validator's performance with mine (or any other validator)!!

I've made this tool available to you.

Mina Payout Simulator

Enter your key, click on compare, and you're good to go!

Find the tool here:


This tool is provided as is. This is an early version that may have some bugs or inconsistencies. I have tested it though, and the results look reliable to me.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, problems, or comments.

Support me by delegating to my Block Producer !

My Validator Address
Naamah BP

· One min read

The Jonathan's Mina Pool Payout Script has been updated.
All BP should update to the new v1.7.0 payout script.

This version fixes a discrepancy in the way Foundation and o1Labs delegation payouts are computed compared to the old script.

It adds a new environment variable PAYOUT_CALCULATOR to drive the behavior of the transaction fees share.

Valid calculators include for the post-fork rewards :

  • postSuperChargeShareFees : Share the fees between all delegates including foundation, investors and o1labs
  • postSuperChargeKeepFees : Validator keeps all the fees
  • postSuperChargeCommonShareFees : Share the fees between delegates excluding foundation, investors and o1labs (this was the old behaviour and the default one)

Update your script here :

· One min read

The payout calculator has been updated and delivers consistant results again for the new chain (forked from the old one) :

You'll find also additional realtime information on my Block Producer here :


The payout calculator may not output the exact same results as the payout script.
Rules for computing payout have changed (no more supercharged, no more burn, ..) and thus some discrepancies may occur between my computations and those from the payout script.
Again, mine are provided for information only. Only reference are the results of the payout script.