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Epoch 2 Mina Payouts

· 2 minutes de lecture

Epoch 2 payouts have been sent

12 blocks have been produced this epoch.


All assigned slots for epoch 2 lead to a cannonical Block !!
While this is mainly luck, it puts my validator once again on top of block producers performance this epoch with a 25% APY return rate !!

If you don't believe me use my BP performance tool to compare with other validators !

Put your public address in the dedicated fields and compare with top validators found on minascan :


If this key delegating to me had delegated to Auro Wallet instead, its return would have been 12 minas instead of 32 minas while delegating to me !!

Payout comparison

Auro Wallet mean APY is 9.4% compared to 19.8% for my own validator !!

Payout APY

See by yourself

Click on the links below to compare to Mina top block producers

Support me by delegating to my Block Producer !

My Validator Address
Naamah BP