Running Mina Mainnet Archive Node on Docker
Installing Postgres Database Docker Container
Pull image
docker pull postgres
Run container
docker run --name postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d postgres
create Database
docker exec -it postgres createdb -U postgres archive
echo "SELECT datname FROM pg_database;" | docker exec -i postgres psql -U postgres -d archive
Import database
curl -Ls | docker exec -i postgres psql -U postgres -d archive
echo "\dt" | docker exec -i postgres psql -U postgres -d archive
Installing Mina Archive Node
Get docker image
As for the mina-daemon github image, you can look for the latest version of mina-archive
matching your mina-daemon
version from docker hub :
curl -sN "" | jq -r '.results[] | select(.name | contains("focal")) | " \(.last_updated) \t \(.name)"'
This command will look for the latest 1.4.1
release of mina-archive. it will return the following :
2024-03-28T06:00:26.05546Z 1.4.1-e76fc1c-focal
2024-03-14T21:13:27.723574Z 1.4.1-master-ad8ed6e-focal
2024-03-14T16:51:27.896839Z 1.4.1-21acbdc-focal
2024-03-12T21:57:15.389135Z 1.4.1beta1-21acbdc-focal
Then you will just have to pick the latest version available which is in this case 1.4.1-e76fc1c-focal
docker pull minaprotocol/mina-archive:1.4.1-e76fc1c-focal
Create temporary directory
mkdir -p /tmp/archive
Create local directory to store stuff and wget the latest database dump
mkdir archive_node
cd archive_node/
wget --inet4-only
tar xvf mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-28_0001.sql.tar.gz
From a google cloud console, you can look for the latest database dump available using the following command line :
gsutil ls -l gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet* | grep mainnet-archive-dump | grep 2024-03
This will search for all mainnet
archive dumps available for March, 2024.
1037223471 2024-03-01T00:09:00Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-01_0001.sql.tar.gz
1038036714 2024-03-02T00:09:27Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-02_0001.sql.tar.gz
1038705304 2024-03-03T00:09:12Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-03_0001.sql.tar.gz
1040347494 2024-03-04T00:09:28Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-04_0001.sql.tar.gz
1041544668 2024-03-05T00:09:07Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-05_0001.sql.tar.gz
1042530101 2024-03-06T00:09:16Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-06_0001.sql.tar.gz
1043968663 2024-03-07T00:09:20Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-07_0001.sql.tar.gz
1046183259 2024-03-08T00:09:21Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-08_0001.sql.tar.gz
1048471704 2024-03-09T00:12:17Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-09_0003.sql.tar.gz
1050222256 2024-03-10T00:09:04Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-10_0001.sql.tar.gz
1052718697 2024-03-11T00:09:06Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-11_0001.sql.tar.gz
1054899270 2024-03-12T00:09:22Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-12_0001.sql.tar.gz
1056512846 2024-03-13T00:09:14Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-13_0001.sql.tar.gz
1058309593 2024-03-14T00:09:12Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-14_0001.sql.tar.gz
1059496578 2024-03-15T00:09:40Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-15_0001.sql.tar.gz
1060379733 2024-03-16T00:09:25Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-16_0001.sql.tar.gz
1061349319 2024-03-17T00:09:39Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-17_0001.sql.tar.gz
1063031545 2024-03-18T00:09:30Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-18_0001.sql.tar.gz
1064066717 2024-03-19T00:10:01Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-19_0001.sql.tar.gz
1064937270 2024-03-20T00:09:13Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-20_0001.sql.tar.gz
1066622955 2024-03-21T00:08:56Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-21_0001.sql.tar.gz
1067571505 2024-03-22T00:08:54Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-22_0001.sql.tar.gz
1069661202 2024-03-23T00:09:05Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-23_0001.sql.tar.gz
1071691612 2024-03-24T00:09:06Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-24_0001.sql.tar.gz
1073968497 2024-03-25T00:08:56Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-25_0001.sql.tar.gz
1075411684 2024-03-26T00:09:19Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-26_0001.sql.tar.gz
1076374149 2024-03-27T00:09:14Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-27_0001.sql.tar.gz
1078286270 2024-03-28T00:09:15Z gs://mina-archive-dumps/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-28_0001.sql.tar.gz
The latest dump available is mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-28_0001.sql.tar.gz
Import the dump into postgres
docker cp mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-28_0001.sql postgres:/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-28_0001.sql
docker exec -i postgres psql -U postgres -d archive -f /mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-28_0001.sql
docker exec -it postgres bash
Then once in the container :
root@f4f526a38062:/## psql -U postgres -d archive_balances_migrated
archive_balances_migrated=## SELECT datname FROM pg_catalog.pg_database;
(5 rows)
archive_balances_migrated=## \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | balances | table | postgres
public | blocks | table | postgres
public | blocks_internal_commands | table | postgres
public | blocks_user_commands | table | postgres
public | epoch_data | table | postgres
public | internal_commands | table | postgres
public | public_keys | table | postgres
public | snarked_ledger_hashes | table | postgres
public | timing_info | table | postgres
public | user_commands | table | postgres
(10 rows)
A new archive_balances_migrated
database has been created
The archive
database is useless
The dump has been successfully imported. We can check the latest leist of blocks that are present in the database :
archive_balances_migrated=## select * from blocks order by global_slot desc limit 10;
id | state_hash | parent_id | parent_hash | creator_id | block_winner_id | snarked_ledger_hash_id | staking_epoch_data_id | next_epoch_data_id | ledger_hash | height | global_slot | global_slot_since_genesis | timestamp | chain_status
1087577 | 3NKUGWfxWbDrfybV42unX38hnZ2yqMAyLLiQYZ2B4YcrPF9L4BWc | 1087575 | 3NKfzune2ker9cP4QhJ4vuqWzfVgJJVmX1c3Th4bRQH9bvYna3g8 | 94623 | 101819 | 75169 | 497907 | 505105 | jxJ5Me5aQP4HF9Kcm7mmmeesNFifPHF5qB3hWz8a2QxXNa9Rd7T | 339070 | 527998 | 527998 | 1710978840000 | pending
1087575 | 3NKfzune2ker9cP4QhJ4vuqWzfVgJJVmX1c3Th4bRQH9bvYna3g8 | 1087573 | 3NL5P1dkGo2pXVTX7XedPK1zsvQrNreSF8YTJ1VYVMLXkCxBgfDF | 1987 | 107904 | 75168 | 497907 | 505105 | jy1gishsu6Uts3exnAC5kCF9mNqZtMqfHaSuKhyaxuHtFCa3wiH | 339069 | 527996 | 527996 | 1710978480000 | pending
1087573 | 3NL5P1dkGo2pXVTX7XedPK1zsvQrNreSF8YTJ1VYVMLXkCxBgfDF | 1087571 | 3NLuoC89qa6cGjZ9m5idfAQjsVK5ShNdJmbUWY6KpuEotD4Df7Rp | 162470 | 162558 | 75168 | 497907 | 505105 | jwshPjoFVzh7gxhhvwBn24DEZoE7s859q8nW5iLiqik7x9T1kVR | 339068 | 527994 | 527994 | 1710978120000 | pending
1087571 | 3NLuoC89qa6cGjZ9m5idfAQjsVK5ShNdJmbUWY6KpuEotD4Df7Rp | 1087566 | 3NKTBEhAuHgr43f3bpRsrJ7PuFKtjT3sfMQBDWSxfwkgpoFyK67o | 1483 | 205 | 75168 | 497907 | 505105 | jwNvj1eFX2V7eRL6gDHJwprcHjJNQnDggHVErY1w7Hd7Nf1iJxV | 339067 | 527993 | 527993 | 1710977940000 | pending
1087569 | 3NKXFvaxf7YVhtt5FQKupVcEWWdvDmcaQVKYB5LRoXUuDxbvk9TV | 1087566 | 3NKTBEhAuHgr43f3bpRsrJ7PuFKtjT3sfMQBDWSxfwkgpoFyK67o | 1483 | 205 | 75168 | 497907 | 505105 | jxDPWezuPbPst28NbtzXJv5EWpC1WVFaqW8quCmrzQPdnRsGbFu | 339067 | 527993 | 527993 | 1710977940000 | pending
1087568 | 3NKDL6KnnRQUEruiNEHQM1eeYyTU3E6RPLiS2AQqNGRYiBqk9HUj | 1087566 | 3NKTBEhAuHgr43f3bpRsrJ7PuFKtjT3sfMQBDWSxfwkgpoFyK67o | 1483 | 205 | 75168 | 497907 | 505105 | jxmxAWv7a7Gje8tG33xYaJvQWs3TJrVU7wyAwJYqQkHhaaTFXiu | 339067 | 527993 | 527993 | 1710977940000 | pending
1087565 | 3NKCM4JqTrznCHxr7Xs1djmT4QAMNnZonawE9wghENC5QZU2SZGv | 1087563 | 3NLyYqoniFRMtmkcRkNVJX5Zy15eFNefpTxon57RsrTV63Ysmv25 | 1396 | 3507 | 75168 | 497907 | 505105 | jxHdFJ3EYRpBhvfUWKpQyV8t2sETSkJCPcQhqe8V6XsRJH6vaHS | 339066 | 527991 | 527991 | 1710977580000 | pending
1087566 | 3NKTBEhAuHgr43f3bpRsrJ7PuFKtjT3sfMQBDWSxfwkgpoFyK67o | 1087563 | 3NLyYqoniFRMtmkcRkNVJX5Zy15eFNefpTxon57RsrTV63Ysmv25 | 1396 | 3507 | 75168 | 497907 | 505105 | jwFrq2DwysFpHqNvpTRvH67h52W6vNWztmqAC99pZrZ7A63Vdz9 | 339066 | 527991 | 527991 | 1710977580000 | pending
1087563 | 3NLyYqoniFRMtmkcRkNVJX5Zy15eFNefpTxon57RsrTV63Ysmv25 | 1087558 | 3NLoCUELuKCVRgf6oWKdYtzisjgMonZQjRw81fB61geeXBkwyDYB | 1419 | 97463 | 75168 | 497907 | 505105 | jxYLcPbCDiiBKdoSZzpuss5HhDUEbVUaxVq7BhvSvr1KtcefvU4 | 339065 | 527988 | 527988 | 1710977040000 | pending
1087559 | 3NKhopfj2JKqFvi7kGe3LL1xUbz7E6CbLQpUh1xgdqCAMhPgM53a | 1087556 | 3NL4US8Vt4RCDdWegfA24nFZiJKGHBS1AYHETt9Y7wLcXScvx5ZA | 1483 | 71062 | 75168 | 497907 | 505105 | jwrqN8xGVmxSV7Z5BvQMWeMupBoa7yX5sjuM84ZPm3sCuWHRa9a | 339064 | 527987 | 527987 | 1710976860000 | pending
Starting the mina-archive container
docker run --name mina-archive -p 3086:3086 -v /tmp/archive:/data --entrypoint /bin/bash -it 154109f4622a
Running mina-archive
First check the IP adress of the docker container running postgres :
$ docker exec -it postgres bash
root@f4f526a38062:/## ifconfig
eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast
ether 02:42:ac:11:00:03 txqueuelen 0 (Ethernet)
RX packets 145546 bytes 36562420 (34.8 MiB)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 149990 bytes 319049761 (304.2 MiB)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536
inet netmask
loop txqueuelen 1000 (Local Loopback)
RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
Then run an interactive bash shell to the mina-archive
container and run the mina-archive
process :
$ docker exec -it mina-archive bash
root@69c535e2f0b6:/## mina-archive run --postgres-uri postgres://postgres@ --server-port 3086
You are all done !!
You can get the last block indexed from the database by entering an interactive bash session to the postgres
container :
$ docker exec -it postgres bash
root@f4f526a38062:/## psql -U postgres -d archive_balances_migrated
psql (16.2 (Debian 16.2-1.pgdg120+2))
Type "help" for help.
archive_balances_migrated=## SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(timestamp / 1000), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') AS utc_time, height, global_slot from blocks order by timestamp desc limit 1;
utc_time | height | global_slot
2024-03-21 14:24:00 | 339249 | 528288
(1 row)
Catchup missing blocks
In order to catchup missing block, we will use a shell script available here :
The script execution requires some tools from the mina-archive package. Notably :
It means that the script can only be executed from the mina-archive docker container. So we copy the script to the mina-archive container :
docker cp mina-archive:/
Now the big problem when running the script from the mina-archive docker container is that it tries to connect to the archive database but failed to do so due to docker network isolation :-(
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d archive_balances_migrated
Use Docker Postgresql network ip address
root@69c535e2f0b6:/## export PGPASSWORD=postgres
root@69c535e2f0b6:/## ./ -n mainnet -a postgres://postgres@
List running docker containers
docker ps
Docker container logs
docker logs mina
Launch interactive shell session
POSTGRES Container
docker exec -it postgres bash
Mina Container
docker exec -it mina bash
Mina Archive Container
docker exec -it mina-archive bash
Copy a local file to a container
docker cp mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-28_0001.sql postgres:/mainnet-archive-dump-2024-03-28_0001.sql
docker cp mina-archive:/
Running Mina Archive Container
docker run --name mina-archive -p 3086:3086 -v /tmp/archive:/data --entrypoint /bin/bash -it 154109f4622a
We forward port 3086 in order for the mina daemon to be able to connect to the mina-archive process. We also map /tmp/archive to /data The archive process will be launched manually from within the container (not ideal but more control over)
Running the postgres
docker run --name postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d postgres